We are committed to creating an environment that is safe and welcoming for all children, families, and leaders. In every thing that we do we want to be above reproach and accurately portraying the character of God. In order to create what we feel is a welcoming and intentional Gospel Oriented Children’s Ministry we are committed to adhering to the following procedures.


1. Two Leader Policy

A minimum of two leaders will be in attendance at all times when children are being supervised during a church activity regardless of the number of participants, location or activity. At least one of these must be an adult. At no time should an adult ever be in a room or an enclosed area alone with any child. If a leader needs to leave a group of children, contact the Children's Minister or another FBC worker so that the two leader policy can be upheld. This is for the protection of the child(ren) as well as the leader. 

2. Visibility & Security

It is important that all interactions between children and leaders happen in a location where others can observe what is going on for safety and accountability purposes. At no time should a child and leader disappear behind a closed door with no visibility to outsiders.

3. Restroom Policy

Only adult leaders should provide assistance to a child using the restroom only if the child is four years or younger or has special needs requiring extra assistance. Leaders should put on gloves when assisting the child as needed, and then help them thoroughly wash their hands. Make sure the restroom area is left clean. (No one under the age of 18 can change diapers or assist a child in the restroom.)

4. Physical Contact

We are committed to protecting children in its care and recognize that appropriate touch is part of a positive, nurturing environment in a healthy children’s ministry. The following guidelines are to be carefully followed by FBC Kids Leaders.

Using good judgment, the following are appropriate ways to touch kids:

• an arm around the shoulder

• walking hand in hand

• short congratulatory or greeting hugs

• a brief, assuring pat on the back or shoulder

• handshakes, high-fives, and knuckles

The following are actions a leader should NEVER take:

• never touch a child in anger or disgust

• never touch a child in any manner that may be construed as sexually suggestive

• never touch a child between the navel and the knee

• never touch a child’s private parts (with the exception of diaper or bathroom


5.Lap Sitting:

No lap sitting at all in elementary (Kindergarten and up)

Physical contact in any form should be above reproach. The personal behavior of leaders must foster trust at all times. Do not force physical contact, touch, or affection on a reluctant child. A child’s preference not to be touched must be respected, except in cases where the child’s safety or the safety of others is in question.


We are committed to keeping the message of the Gospel at the foundation of every single activity, event, or meeting that takes place within the Children’s Ministry. We will do this by: 

1. Looking for Jesus

Find ways to work Jesus into the simple task of rocking a baby. Pray over the child, sing to the child, read scripture over the child. 


We are committed to keeping the message of the Gospel at the foundation of every single activity, event, or meeting that takes place within the Children’s Ministry. We will do this by: 

1. Physically Opening the Bible

At every meeting, the Word of God should be opened and be the central focus of the lesson. This might mean rearranging the curriculum. As leaders we must encourage kids to physically open the Bible themselves and find the passage. Help as needed, but do not miss out on the opportunity to share with children the importance of being in the Word. 

2. Scripture Memory

Take time to memorize Scripture together in classrooms. Never fail to emphasize that God’s Word is absolutely true all of the time. We must hide God’s Word in our hearts. 

3. Looking for Jesus in what we read:

All of Scripture points to Jesus. Make an effort to look for Him in what you read. 


  1. Substitutes

Should you find yourself in need of a substitute, please let the Children’s Minister know as far in advance as possible. If you have found a replacement for yourself, please inform the Children’s Minister of who will be stepping in for you. 

2. Lesson Distribution

The Children’s Minister has granted access to the online curriculum to all leaders. If you are working in the toddler room the lesson and materials are located in the classroom every Sunday. 

3. Lesson Scheduling

It is very important that we work as a team. Please take time each week to study your lesson and be prepared. 

4. Follow-Up

If you have a child that is out for three consecutive weeks, please plan on writing them a note or send the parent a text. You may use the postcards that are in your classroom or another note that you would like. We just want them to see that we notice they are not in church and we miss them. After you have written a note, place it on the children's minister's desk and she/he will address it and mail it.

5. Discipline

My hope is that you will not have to handle discipline in your area. Should you ever find yourself needing to redirect behavior please know a few things:

a. You ALWAYS have the option to get the Children’s Minister to address it before you get to the point of needing any of the following steps below! 

b. Start with a gentle touch on the shoulder

c. Should that not get their attention, ask them to move to a different location

d. Should that still not work, have them move to the side, out of the center of everyone (while remaining visible) and verbally correct the behavior. Challenge them to go deeper and not settle for the behavior that they are engaging in. 

e. Should that still not work, find the Children’s Minister and he/she will address it with the child and parent. 

6. Name-tags

Currently all children in the nursery need to have a name tag on at all times. This helps us identify who the child is and has any important medical information visible at all times. 

7. Check in and Dismissal

Sunday Mornings: Check in: Nursery: Parents will use the ipad to check students into the nursery. They will receive two stickers, one sticker is to be placed on the child's back and the parent keeps the remaining sticker. Check in: 1st-6th grade: Parent drops child off at children's wing and child checks their name off on the attendance sheet. Dismissal: Nursery: Kinder- Pre-K Sunday school must be picked up by a parent from their assigned rooms. Parents must show the parent tag (sticker) in order to pick up their child. If a parent does not have a tag, they must show a DL. Please contact Amy if the parent does not have an ID. Dismissal:6th Grade - 1st grade will be released from the children's wing to find their parents. 

Wednesday Nights: Check in: All students are dropped off at the Fellowship Hall. We have adults monitoring students till they go upstairs. Roll is taken in the classroom. Dismissal: Students will come downstairs with their teacher. Parents will stay in their cars and come through the alley way. Teachers will load students into their parents' vehicles. 

Important Phone Numbers:

Vanessa Caudle-

Jessye Massey (Nursery Worker)- 

Amy Sanford (Minister of Children)- 936-553-2209

I have read, understand, and committed to following the FBC Center Children’s Leadership Handbook. 

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Signature Date